Saturday, June 14, 2014

4 months

Kallen is 4 months old…the time is seriously flying by! This month he has started laughing, "standing up" and sitting up with support. Not so fun thing, he also started teething…he is a little drool monster.  His little personality is really starting to come through. We got him a Bumbo chair and he loves sitting in it and playing with his toys, he has just about perfected putting everything into his mouth. Sometimes he misses and gets frustrated and it is just adorable to watch.He has also become quite a little momma's boy, which has it's pro's and con's.
I seriously cannot believe how big he is getting, it seems like just yesterday that we were bringing home! We love watching him learn new things and grow.

Here are his latest stats and some adorable pictures!

Weight 17.5 lbs --he's a bruiser!
Height 26'
Size 3 diapers
6/6-9 month clothes

-facing forward

-tummy time
-Being Tired
-when he can't see you



loves the gumbo

like i said…everything in the mouth

standing like a big boy! 

Monday, May 12, 2014

Update/ 2 mo stats

Wow....blogging with an infant is not easy! I could find lots of time when Kallen was a newborn and slept a lot…now he likes to play more and requires all of my attention!  My big boy is now 13 weeks old! He is growing waaaayyy to fast! So I need to start catching up on my posts. I know it's like over 4 weeks late, but for records sake here are the stats from his last appointment

Kallen at 2 and 3 months

14 lbs 14 oz (i think he is probably closer to 16 or 17 now)
24 inches long
wearing 0-3 months (at 12 weeks he started wearing 3-6 months)
size 3 diapers
handled his 2 mo vaccinations very well, only cried for a minute and slept most of that day but was fine after some good rest

he loves  mornings, talking to mom and dad, chewing his fingers, his binky, taking baths, and playing with colorful toys
he HATES tummy time and when he can't see you
he babbles constantly and is getting soooo close to giggling
his hair is coming back in and it grows straight up, people always ask me if I put gel in it
he sleeps almost the entire night, usually 6 hours, up to nurse, and back down for 4 or 5 more
at 12 weeks he started sleeping in his crib, in his own room

So that is a quick catch up for now! In just a few weeks Kallen will have his 4 mo appt…I can't believe he is no longer a newborn!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Welcome to the World Little One….

Kallen Christopher Hinton was welcomed into this world on February 3, 2014 after 25 hours of long and hard labor. 

It all started on Sunday the 2nd, which was Kallen's actual due date, but he was just too comfortable in there and wasn't coming out on his own! We decided to go forward with and induction because my mom was in town to help and could only stay for a short 2 weeks and we needed her help for as long as we could have it! So on Sunday night I was started on the medicine to get labor going. Sunday night was pretty relaxed, we watched the Superbowl and tried to move around and bounce on the labor ball to help things along. 

By 5 am Monday morning I was still only dilated to a 2….my body was taking it's sweet time! That is when they started the pitocin to get contractions started….and boy did it start them! Around 8 am the dr came in a broke my water and that is when I started to get really uncomfortable. The horrible  great thing about pitocin is that it puts you right into hard labor, your body doesn't really get to progress into the hard contractions. Needless to say I got my epidural pretty quick, I was throwing up with EVERY contraction. I give some serious props to the women that are able to endure child birth without any pain control….they are seriously super humans! 

Finally at about 4 pm (yes, it took all day) I was finally a 10! But Kallen was still taking his time coming down the birth canal, so even though my body wanted to push I had to wait. The dr kept coming in to check me and every time she said I had to continue to "labor down" I just wanted to poke her in the eye! It was the longest hour of my life waiting for him to descend. Finally around 5 pm I was able to began pushing. It was such a relief to finally have something to focus on through each contraction. I pushed and pushed while we waited for the dr to come in…she wasn't in a super hurry since it had taken so long for him to descend. But once he was crowning, he about flew right out! Just one more push was all it took! The dr only had time to get one glove on before she caught him!! 

I was so grateful to have my mom and Chris in the delivery room with me. I couldn't have done it without either of them and their amazing support and coaching. Aunty Brook and Grandma and Papa Hinton were also there at the hospital with us and were able to meet Kallen just a few minutes after birth 

 He has come into our world and turned it completely upside down! 

Thursday, February 27, 2014

A New Chapter

My sweet baby boy has been a part of our family for almost 4 weeks now. I cannot even find the words to describe the amazing experience that it has been. He is such a blessing and completes our little family just perfectly. He is already teaching me so much and I feel so blessed that my Heavenly Father would intrust Chris and I with one of his special spirits. It has easily been the hardest thing I have ever done, but also the most rewarding. I already can't imagine what life would be like without Kallen.

Today I saw this on Facebook today:

How true it really is!  It reminded me that I needed to create a space to document all the going on's of this little mans life. So I have created this blog as more of a journal than anything….a space for me to record special moments and to share with far away family a friends. It will also be an outlet for me….i've learned in the last few weeks that writing things down is so freeing and therapeutic for me, and as a new mom I hope that sharing this with other new (and experienced) moms can become a place of support and friendship. Here's to a new and amazing chapter of life!!

Next up…A Birth Story